Lindsey Graham Says He Could Shoot Gangs With His AR-15 …

In the event of a natural disaster in South Carolina, don’t necessarily expect to see Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) helping dig survivors out of rubble.The senator indicated Sunday that he’d instead be at home with his AR-15, ready to pick off marauding gangs presumably at least partly made up of his own constituents.


Audit results in Windham, New … – The Gateway Pundit

Audit results in Windham, New Hampshire show voting machines consistently undercounting Republican vote tallies. Dr. David Strang M.D., is the Belknap County Republican Committee State Committee Member, with the New Hampshire GOP. On Sunday Dr. Strang examined the latest results coming from the Windham, New Hampshire elections audit. He was stunned with the results. Dr. Strang…


Gina Lopez – Wikipedia

Regina Paz “Gina” La’O Lopez (December 27, 1953 – August 19, 2019) was a Filipino environmentalist and philanthropist who served as Secretary of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in an ad interim basis under President Rodrigo Duterte. She was previously the Chairperson of the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission under two consecutive administrations.
