Posted in Sapiosexual

What is sapiosexuality, and why is it so controversial? – MSN

Sapiosexuality is a relatively new addition to the sexuality lexicon, and though there were whispers of the word online prior, Merriam Webster reports that the first recorded use was in 2004. 

Posted in Sapiosexual

What is sapiosexuality, and why is it so controversial? – MSN

Sapiosexuals are described as people who are physically, emotionally, romantically, and relationally attracted by intelligence. They find intelligence to be the most important and erotic trait, and… 

Posted in Sapiosexual

What is Sapiosexual? Definition, Meaning, and Signs – BetterLyf

As defined by the Urban Dictionary, a sapiosexual person is someone who finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potentially sexual relationship. The way another individual thinks both excites or frustrates sapiosexuals. They are basically in love with the mind. 

Posted in Sapiosexual

Sexual identity – Wikipedia

Sapiosexuality describes attraction to the intelligence of another person. The prefix sapio-comes from the Latin for “I [have] taste” or “I [have] wisdom” and refers to a person’s preferences, proclivities, and common sense. Sapiosexual-identifying individuals can also be gay, straight, or bisexual. 

Posted in Sapiosexual

Sapiosexuality: What Attracts You to a Sexual Partner?

As defined by Urban Dictionary, a sapiosexual person is someone who finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential sexual relationship. The origin… 

Posted in Sapiosexual

Sapiosexuality: What It Means To Be Sapiosexual

Sapiosexuality. The sexuality for nerd lovers, or something more? How do you know if you’re a sapiosexual? Maybe you’re curious to know, or maybe you’re sayi… 

Posted in Sapiosexual

6 Signs that You’re an Absolute Sapiosexual – I Heart Intelligence

By Justin Gammill Some people consider the term “sapiosexual” to just be the newest buzz word when it comes to dating and relationships. But if you are like me, and are attracted intensely to someone because of their mind, then you understand that this isn’t just a passing trend. Sapiosexuality is a real thing. 

Posted in Sapiosexual

What is sapiosexuality, and why is it so controversial? – MSN

Sapiosexuality is a relatively new addition to the sexuality lexicon, and though there were whispers of the word online prior, Merriam Webster reports that the first recorded use was in 2004. 

Posted in Sapiosexual

Sapiosexuality Is Offensive, Which Is Why I Identify As …

Sapiosexuality Is Offensive, Which Is Why I Identify As Noetisexual I realized that identifying myself as something that is hurtful to others is not worth it. By Alex Alexander — Written on Dec … 

Posted in Sapiosexual

Sapiosexuality Test – IDRlabs

Sapiosexuality Test. Sapiosexuallity is the tendency to find potential partners attractive on account of their intelligence or intellectual acumen. Indeed, strong sapiosexuals consider these traits to be among the most important in a partner. Sapiosexuality is generally considered a supplemental sexual orientation.