What is Sapiosexual


Sapiosexuality is a term that has gained popularity in recent years to describe people who are attracted to intelligence in others. The term comes from the Latin word “sapiens,” which means “wise” or “intelligent.”

Sapiosexuals view intelligence as a key component of attraction. They are drawn to people who possess a high level of knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to engage in deep conversations. These individuals may be drawn to those who are well-read, well-informed, and able to hold their own in intellectual discussions.

Sapiosexuals may also be attracted to people who are creative and innovative. They may be drawn to artists, musicians, and other creative individuals who possess a unique perspective and way of thinking. Additionally, sapiosexuals may be drawn to people who are curious, open-minded, and always looking to learn and grow.

It is important to note that sapiosexuality is not limited to attraction to a certain type of person, such as those with a certain level of education or profession. Rather, it is an attraction to intelligence and the qualities that come with it, regardless of whether that intelligence is formal or informal, acquired through formal education or life experiences.

While sapiosexuality is not a traditional sexual orientation, like being gay or straight, it is a way of describing attraction that is becoming more widely recognized and accepted.

It’s worth noting that some people may identify as both sapiosexual and another sexual orientation. Also, it’s important to note that being sapiosexual doesn’t mean that physical attraction is not important. Many sapiosexuals may also be attracted to someone’s physical appearance, but their intelligence is what makes them truly attractive.

In conclusion, sapiosexuality is a term that describes people who are attracted to intelligence in others. Sapiosexuals view intelligence as a key component of attraction and are drawn to people who possess a high level of knowledge, critical thinking skills, and the ability to engage in deep conversations. As the term becomes more widely recognized and accepted, it offers a new way for individuals to describe their attraction and sexual identity.